Healing Testimonies

Taken Off One Medication For Diabetes And Healed Of A Persistent Backache

This testimony was written on behalf of my mum, Judy Ong.

My mum was diagnosed with diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, and have been on various medications since her 40s. She is 71 years old this year.

She accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour on 22 April 2018 at LE Woodlands centre after the 3.15pm service, and was water baptised together with me on 21 April 2019. 

Since 2018, my mum and I would attend the Miracle Service together and she always complained about having to take 4 different kinds of medications as it was really confusing for her to know which to take as she is unable to read. 

We kept praying that the Lord will heal her completely of all her conditions, declaring Isaiah 53:5 over her as well as applying what we learnt during the Miracle Service. Subsequently, her medications got reduced progressively and her diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol were all under control. 

During her last visit to the polyclinic, the doctor took her off one of the medications for diabetes as her blood sugar level was well under control. 

Though she is still taking another kind of medication for diabetes and 2 others for high blood pressure and high cholesterol, we continue to trust that God will heal her completely, and she will be taken off from all medications one day. 

 She was also healed from a persistent backache in her waist and pain in the neck in 2019 but was shy to testify on stage when Miracle Service was still conducted physically. 

Thank you, Lord Jesus, for your healing! To God be the Glory! Hallelujah! 

Taken off one medication for diabetes and healed of a persistent backache

Judy Ong
Healed Of A Heart Condition

In April 2020, I went for my ECG check-up at SATA CommHealth Jurong Medical Centre and was admitted into Ng Teng Fong Hospital immediately. Little did I know about the seriousness of my condition – a heart problem that I have been trying to avoid by keeping an active lifestyle and eating wisely over the years. 

I was admitted into the Neuro ward and God knows my fear and the next day, a Pastor was admitted into the same ward as me and during his stay, he prayed and ministered to me every night. 

When I was in the hospital, my cardiologist mentioned that my heart was only running at a 20% capacity as compared to a healthy heart that has an Ejection Fraction between 50% and 75%. I was told that I have Atrial Fibrillation, an irregular and often rapid heart rate. There were signs of fluid retention in my body as my weight remained the same even though I was consuming only about ¼ of food intake and 1 litre of water daily. I also needed a wheelchair to move around. 

I’ve always been praying for healing, seeking healing through prayer, and watching the Miracle Service Online. I was scheduled for an angiogram on 30 March 2020 and did electrical cardioversion to convert my irregular heartbeat back to a normal rhythm. Praise God that there was no blockage although the electrical cardioversion procedure did not manage to get my heartbeat back to normal.

On 1 May, I felt that I’ve regained my strength and was able to go about my daily normal routine with ease. On a follow-up visit on 5 May, the doctor confirmed that my condition had improved, but still needed to wait for the echocardiogram results. On 15 September, I was cleared with a normal and healthy heart assessment after the cardiologist reviewed my echocardiogram result.

A big thank you to my wife, Peggy, who stood by me and journeyed with me all these years, to my friends who prayed and interceded for me and most importantly, to God, our Almighty God, our Lord and Saviour.

All glory, honour, and praise to our Lord Jesus Christ! 

Healed of a heart condition

Tang Loon Heng
Healed Of Bone Spurs

In the year 2018, I noticed a growth near my right groin area. I consulted specialists in various hospitals for 2 years but was never given a precise diagnosis. Some of the doctors advised for surgery, which may cause numbness, while others told me that they had no idea what that growth was. I was told to keep returning for further review.

I finally decided to discharge myself even though I had no faith in being healed completely. However, God is so good. I was healed and I didn’t even know it! That growth of 2 years had disappeared by God’s healing touch! 

Praise the Lord! 

Healed of growth near the groin area

Esther Seow
Healed Of Dizziness And Nauseousness

I have always wanted to attend the Miracle Service after hearing so much about it from my sister since the Circuit Breaker period last year. However, I was always unable to reach home on time to watch the online service.

I decided to make adjustments to my timing a few months ago and on 16 Jan 2021, I decided to rush home for the service after my usual dinner out. But when I was about to finish up, I felt my shoulder stiffening and aching. I started to feel dizzy too.

I tried to finish my dinner and got home before the service starts. However, I started throwing up the moment I stepped into the house. I didn’t get to tune in to the service as I was too weak to stay up after taking Panadol. This episode came and left intermittently throughout the week. One day I was fine, and the next day, I wasn’t. I even went to consult a doctor in the hope to feel better. This episode continued till Friday.

On Saturday, 23 Jan, I went out as usual in the afternoon and had my dinner out. Half-way through my dinner, I started to feel dizzy and felt like throwing up again. I tried to finish up and arrived home before the Miracle Service. I told myself that I am not going to miss another chance today though I was still feeling dizzy.

During the healing prayer, I kept praying for the dizzy spells and vomiting that were affecting me the past week to be gone in Jesus’ name. All this while, I had my medication on standby during the sermon so I could take it immediately after the service. 

Praise the Lord! When I opened my eyes after the healing prayer, the dizziness was gone completely! The nauseousness was gone too! I shelved my medication and the dizzy spells and nauseousness have not returned since. 

Praise God and all glory to Him! Hallelujah! 

Healed of dizziness and nauseousness

Charity Toh
Winning The Battle Against Spiritual Warfare

5 years ago, I was diagnosed with a rare form of sickness with no specific treatment available. After a fast recurrent, I had to undergo another operation. This time, while in the operating theatre, I had a vision and cried out to God for healing, “Heal me! Heal me!” 

After the surgery, I was lying weakly in the hospital that night when I heard a voice so close to me. It said, “I came to steal, to kill, and to destroy.” It came along together with other threats. I was very frightened and had no idea what I was experiencing. I told one of the sisters and pastors in LE and was prayed for and was told not to fear.  

Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ continued to pray for me as I continued to go for my regular medical check-ups throughout these 5 years, and always make an effort to attend the Miracle Service regularly. It was at the Miracle Service that I got to know about spiritual attacks, learn to pray for my own healing, and most importantly, to know the truth about God’s Word.

5 years had since passed, and I can’t thank God enough that I am completely well despite the dire situation in the beginning. I want to praise and thank God for His grace, mercy, and healing.

To God be the glory! 

Winning the battle against Spiritual Warfare


While I was watching the Miracle Service Online in my room on 23 Jan 2021, my helper, Angela, walked in to join me with the need for God to heal her left leg which was causing her much pain. I had noticed her limping that afternoon, and she told me that the pain came all of a sudden.

So, during the call for healing, she stood up, placed her hand on her painful thigh, and kept massaging and moving her leg. She was unable to squat earlier on, but during the healing prayer, she began squatting up and down, declaring, and praising God that she is healed.

On the next morning, I saw her walking normally without any pain.


Healed of pain in the left leg

Margaret Ho, on behalf of her helper, Angela
Jesus Is So Gracious For Answering All My Prayers!

1. My poodle was scheduled for a cataract removal surgery in his left eye on 12 Jan 2021. So, on 9 Jan 2021, during the Miracle Service Online, I submitted a prayer request that the surgery would be successful. Praise the Lord for a smooth surgery without any complications. My dog recovered very quickly and was not on any painkillers at all. 

Thank you, Lord, for healing him and restoring his vision.

2. I overstrained my muscle on my left leg some time back. It was painful when I sit, and the pain was hindering my sleep. The painkillers prescribed by the doctor did not help to alleviate the pain. 

As I was watching the Miracle Service Online on 16 Jan 2021, I prayed for healing. Though the healing did not take place immediately, I received complete healing on my birthday, on 19 Jan. I was at work the whole day on 19 Jan and did not experience pain at all though I was not on any painkillers. 

Thank you, Lord, for the greatest birthday gift! 


Jesus is so gracious for answering all my prayers!

Jessie Lim
Taken Off Cholesterol Medication After 10 Years

I overstretched and pulled the nerve on my right arm sometime last year and it had impeded on my usual routine.

Sometime later, on 5 July 2020, I fell from 3 steps of stairs on a rainy day and as a result, I suffered from a hairline fracture on my right wrist. Though no surgery was needed, my right wrist was put in a cast. After 2 months of casting, my right arm became frozen, and I was unable to bring my right arm backwards.

I began tuning into the Miracle Service Online faithfully every Saturday. Soon, I realised that I could stretch and rotate my right arm to the back of my body. The healing of the hairline fracture on my right wrist was also evident from the fortnightly follow-up x-rays I had at the hospital.

Although healing did not take place instantly, I thank the Lord and praise Him for the complete healing upon my right arm and right wrist progressively.

Here’s an encouragement to my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, even if the healing is not immediate, we got to keep believing in our Lord and wait upon Him for healing to take place. Hallelujah!

Healed of frozen shoulder and pulled nerve on the right arm, and hairline

Brenda Lee
Healed Of Bone Spurs

I have been suffering from bone spurs on my lower back since the Year 2014, and this condition has been causing me great pain each time I carry heavy items.

I cannot stand for long to join my cell group during praise and worship, neither can I walk a lot during shopping trips. My mother even commented that I seem to have a body of a 70-year-old even though I am only 40.

On some mornings, I even had to lay in bed as I couldn’t get up. I went for MRI and physiotherapy and was told that there is no cure for this condition except to go for surgery, but the spurs may recur. I started to attend the Miracle Service regularly, and even though I had to sit halfway through the praise and worship, I would still attend the service.

As I continue to attend the Miracle Service, the pain had miraculously left without me realising it. I only noticed that the pain was completely gone a few weeks ago. Praise the Lord for His progressive healing over the years! I am now completely healed! 

 This episode had also taught me patience, one of the fruit of the spirit. Hallelujah! 

Healed of bone spurs

Evon Lim
Healed Of Prolonged Diarrhoea

For 3 weeks in Nov 2020, I was constantly having diarrhoea, sometimes up to 3 – 4 times daily. I visited the GP clinic and the Polyclinic twice to seek treatment. During this time, I persisted in prayer. Thanks to God that I am now completely healed and had received a clean bill of health for my annual health screening.

To God be all the Glory! 

Healed of prolonged diarrhoea

Catherine Ang