Jesus is so gracious for answering all my prayers!

1. My poodle was scheduled for a cataract removal surgery in his left eye on 12 Jan 2021. So, on 9 Jan 2021, during the Miracle Service Online, I submitted a prayer request that the surgery would be successful. Praise the Lord for a smooth surgery without any complications. My dog recovered very quickly and was not on any painkillers at all. 

Thank you, Lord, for healing him and restoring his vision.

2. I overstrained my muscle on my left leg some time back. It was painful when I sit, and the pain was hindering my sleep. The painkillers prescribed by the doctor did not help to alleviate the pain. 

As I was watching the Miracle Service Online on 16 Jan 2021, I prayed for healing. Though the healing did not take place immediately, I received complete healing on my birthday, on 19 Jan. I was at work the whole day on 19 Jan and did not experience pain at all though I was not on any painkillers. 

Thank you, Lord, for the greatest birthday gift! 


Jessie Lim