Healed of a heart condition

In April 2020, I went for my ECG check-up at SATA CommHealth Jurong Medical Centre and was admitted into Ng Teng Fong Hospital immediately. Little did I know about the seriousness of my condition – a heart problem that I have been trying to avoid by keeping an active lifestyle and eating wisely over the years. 

I was admitted into the Neuro ward and God knows my fear and the next day, a Pastor was admitted into the same ward as me and during his stay, he prayed and ministered to me every night. 

When I was in the hospital, my cardiologist mentioned that my heart was only running at a 20% capacity as compared to a healthy heart that has an Ejection Fraction between 50% and 75%. I was told that I have Atrial Fibrillation, an irregular and often rapid heart rate. There were signs of fluid retention in my body as my weight remained the same even though I was consuming only about ¼ of food intake and 1 litre of water daily. I also needed a wheelchair to move around. 

I’ve always been praying for healing, seeking healing through prayer, and watching the Miracle Service Online. I was scheduled for an angiogram on 30 March 2020 and did electrical cardioversion to convert my irregular heartbeat back to a normal rhythm. Praise God that there was no blockage although the electrical cardioversion procedure did not manage to get my heartbeat back to normal.

On 1 May, I felt that I’ve regained my strength and was able to go about my daily normal routine with ease. On a follow-up visit on 5 May, the doctor confirmed that my condition had improved, but still needed to wait for the echocardiogram results. On 15 September, I was cleared with a normal and healthy heart assessment after the cardiologist reviewed my echocardiogram result.

A big thank you to my wife, Peggy, who stood by me and journeyed with me all these years, to my friends who prayed and interceded for me and most importantly, to God, our Almighty God, our Lord and Saviour.

All glory, honour, and praise to our Lord Jesus Christ! 

Tang Loon Heng