Healing Testimonies

Healed Of Depression

I attended the Miracle service in Jan to seek healing for my depression and inner hurts. As the prayer team prayed, I could physically and vividly feel healing taking place – there were electric currents flowing through me. I rededicated my life to Jesus as I felt that I have not been walking according to God’s way in the past. I attended Miracle service again in February and March to pray for healings for my two fibroids and again for my depression.

Since the first miracle service in Jan, my mood has improved a lot and my family could see the change in disposition in me. I am more cheerful and am relating to people better. And this morning I went for my ultrasound scan. Praise God that my fibroids have shrunk 50% from 5cm and 2.4cm to 2.4cm and 1.7cm respectively. Praise the Lord! He is indeed a loving and amazing father! I will continue to pray for a complete healing for my fibroids and my depression! I believe He will restore me and heal me completely. All glory to God!

Rena Yee

“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (Psalm 23:4)

Healed of Depression!

Rena Yee
Healed At Miracle Service

In 2010 I was suffering from extreme pain when walking. I went for an MRI, which showed that the ligament from the upper spine was affected from L2 to L5. The doctor said that the condition started 10 years ago. He recommended an operation or else one day I would sit in a wheelchair. I was scared, so I went for an operation in 2010. I stayed in the hospital for about a week.

The operation wound healed well but the nerves from the back of my neck to my feet were affected. After the operation, I had no more pain, but I could no longer squat. Thereafter I joined the Lighthouse Evangelism Brisk Walking group to exercise, I was athletic in school but somehow, I always ended up the slowest. I realized that I had not yet mastered my walking technique. Frustrated, I cried out to God and called His name again and again, and suddenly, I heard an audible voice, saying, “Go for bone alignment”.

I went for Miracle Service that night and told a gospel lighter about my situation. After a short prayer, he asked me to go to the side and perform what I usually cannot do. Our captain, Catherine, came to test my walking, and she exclaimed that I was walking correctly! Next, she tested me on my hip rotation, and I was able to do it on the 2nd try as well!

In my next exercise with the Brisk Walking Group, I did better than before! But while we were doing cool-down exercises with a squatting movement, I remembered that I couldn’t do it previously and decided to try it. Praise God! I was able to squat as I did before!

I thank God for his mercy and grace, and for healing me. To God be the glory, amen!

–          Koh Siew Keng

“The Lord sustains them on their sickbed and restores them from their bed of illness.” (Psalm 41:3)

Healed at Miracle Service!

Koh Siew Keng
Thankful For Gods Healing Grace And Compassion

I felt some stiffness in my back in July 2022, which eventually worsened to the point where I was in such pain that I was barely able to move. Painkillers, injections, and a chiropractor didn’t help much to relieve the pain. 

After three weeks of intense pain, I was falling into depression. I prayed for God to heal me and that I would give testimony of His goodness if He would heal me. I also contacted Pastor Tim Tan and my cell group to pray and intercede for me. An MRI later revealed that I had a slipped disc at an unusual position. 

A Christian friend then advised that I should see her pain doctor. With a combination of the strong painkiller prescribed by the pain doctor, as well as the daily exercises recommended by the orthopedic specialist, I grew stronger and in October, I realized that I was about 80% healed. Hallelujah! 

It was a painful three-month journey for me, and I was worried that I won’t be able to join a family journey to Turkey which would entail lots of walking and climbing. But all praise to God, I was able to make it for the trip, even walking up to 27,000 steps on Christmas Day itself! All praise and glory to our Heavenly Father, our Healer and Deliverer!

– Claudine Tan

“Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.” (Jeremiah 17:14)

Thankful for God’s Healing Grace and Compassion!

Claudine Tan
Jesus Christ Is The Same Yesterday And Today And Forever

Dear Brothers and Sisters-in-Christ,

I would like to share my testimony as an encouragement of how good and wonderful our Lord and Savior is. May you find hope and peace from this testimony. All Glory to God!

I found a lump in my right breast on 28 July 2022 which was quite big and could be felt by my fingers. After consulting the doctor and doing an ultrasound, the results showed that the mass was indeterminate and a biopsy was scheduled. I do not usually cry in front of others but I could not help but shed tears in front of the doctor and nurse due to fear as they explained the results and follow up procedures to me.

The entire period from first discovering the lump to receiving the results of the biopsy was filled with extreme fear and worry. I could not eat well or sleep well. I was drained and I cried a lot. Just the thought of having to go through the biopsy scared me as I am scared of needles and blood, and the possible side effects of bleeding and bruising. During the biopsy, I kept calling Jesus’ name. Thank God, the procedure went smoothly and the bleeding stopped quickly. I only had a bit of bruising, which was almost gone after a few days.

Praying and talking to God helped to replace the fear with faith. It is important to have at least someone to pray with you. On 15 September 2022, I received my biopsy results which showed that the lump was not cancerous. Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!

The entire experience was sudden and traumatic but knowing that God is with me gave me a lot of comfort. It strengthened my faith and brought me closer to God. It revealed how I should live my life from now on, to put God first. Our God is faithful and will never fail us. Continue to have faith and keep trusting that He will never forget us and will fulfil his promises to us.

Jesus Christ is the Same Yesterday and Today and Forever

Mong Mo
Winning The Battle Against Spiritual Warfare

I attended Lighthouse Evangelism Miracle Service online last Saturday, 25/6/22 to pray for good medical results today.

Thank God for his favour and protection, I am blessed with a good medical report for 2 benign breast lumps removed. My family, friends and I are extremely joyous with my results.

In the Miracle Service chat, Psalm 91 was shared, another pastor also shared on the same Psalm 91 the next day. I prayed along to find rest in the shadow of the Almighty, to trust in God and seek his protection from deadly disease. I called upon his name for God to be with me all the way.

Last month, I felt large lumps in my left breast and brought forward my regular annual check, 6 months earlier.

On 01/6/22, I saw the doctor and the lumps were 2 water cysts which were joined together which made it more uncomfortable but it was removed on the spot.

However, I had another smaller lump in my right breast which had been detected since 2019, which seems stable. Nonetheless, I decided to remove the lump via surgery on 16/06/22.

The biopsy results took longer than usual and on 21/06/22, I was called to the clinic. Additional tests on the lump shows that it is DCIS, also known as non-invasive cancer, grade 0 cancer, precancerous or plainly cancer that did not spread. I thank God for the timely check and removal.

I was scheduled for further surgery on 23/06/22 to clear the surrounding tissues but an MRI I did on 22/06/22 showed 2 lumps which I was advised to remove first (results given today were good and lumps were benign). The MRI results called for a sudden change in procedure, which was called off at the eleventh hour, while I was talking to the Anaesthetist. I am still scheduled for the original follow up surgery on 13/07/22 and I continue to pray and trust in our Lord for complete healing.

I give thanks for all the good results I received for blood, biopsy, x-ray, ultrasound, MRI scans and the medical team (doctor and nurses) who showed much concern and rejoiced in good news with me.

I thank God for His perfect timing, His protection, His healing, His promises and His presence in my life.

I was not feeling well on Monday morning. I kept telling God to heal me. By 11.30am, my stomach started to feel well. I completed the whole MRI process smoothly, telling God that He is in control of the situation.

My MRI report was good. No wall thickening or fold thickening. Small bowel is within normal limits. No bowel abnormalities. The doctor was surprised that with such an extremely high inflammation and my complaints of bad stomach pains, the MRI showed no abnormalities and could not locate inflammation. This baffled him but this was good news to me. The doctor kept telling me to do a capsule endoscopy to further search for inflammation.

I told my sister I do not want to do this procedure as there is a risk that this capsule cannot pass out from my bowel, then an x-ray is needed to locate it and a surgery is needed to remove this capsule. I will continue to pray and trust God’s complete healing so that I do not need to do this procedure.

I want to thank gospel lighter sister Doris who has prayed with me a few times over my digestive issues.

Praise the Lord. Glory to God as I continue to receive full healing for my digestive system.

Lord my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me. (Psalm 30:2)

Rebecca Yip
Winning The Battle Against Spiritual Warfare

I am Veronica Chuah.

I want to praise and thank God for saving me from surgery.

I did a calprotectin stool test. My inflammation level was extremely high. Above 1000ug vs normal level of 80ug. The doctor suspected ibd Crohn’s disease and ordered an MRI enterology the next few days.

I rang my sister. She taught me to recite verse Hebrews 4:12-13 and for my anxiety, verse Philippians 4:6-7. We prayed together over the phone and I quickly wrote down those verses to remember in my heart and wrote down my requests to God. From Saturday night to Monday 12pm, I kept reciting Hebrews 4:12-13 and also Mark 11:23.

I was not feeling well on Monday morning. I kept telling God to heal me. By 11.30am, my stomach started to feel well. I completed the whole MRI process smoothly, telling God that He is in control of the situation.

My MRI report was good. No wall thickening or fold thickening. Small bowel is within normal limits. No bowel abnormalities. The doctor was surprised that with such an extremely high inflammation and my complaints of bad stomach pains, the MRI showed no abnormalities and could not locate inflammation. This baffled him but this was good news to me. The doctor kept telling me to do a capsule endoscopy to further search for inflammation.

I told my sister I do not want to do this procedure as there is a risk that this capsule cannot pass out from my bowel, then an x-ray is needed to locate it and a surgery is needed to remove this capsule. I will continue to pray and trust God’s complete healing so that I do not need to do this procedure.

I want to thank gospel lighter sister Doris who has prayed with me a few times over my digestive issues.

Praise the Lord. Glory to God as I continue to receive full healing for my digestive system.

Lord, you are in control and your word alone heals everything

Veronica Chuah
Healed Of A Heart Condition

Last year, I found myself in a difficult situation in my life. I came home one day from grocery shopping only to hear my wife complaining about giddiness and nausea at about 11am.

Moments later, she fell asleep and I continued with lunch, picked my daughter from pre-school and then went to get some meds before coming home. When I came home, my wife was still sleeping. I didn’t feel like anything was wrong as her legs were still moving and she was able to alter her sleeping position. Close to dinner time, I got a text from my mother-in-law asking how her daughter was. It was then that I realised that she has been sleeping for way too long. This time I went back into the room, and started smacking and shaking her real hard. No movement. This was when I knew something was amiss. I immediately called 995. The paramedics took her vitals and told me everything was ok. What was happening? She was immediately sent to Sengkang GH at about 6pm. Due to the COVID restrictions and the Delta variant circulating at that time, I wasn’t able to accompany her to the hospital.

At about 8pm, I got a call from the Emergency Department physician asking me a few questions about her stress level. Since my wife had normal BP and was moving, her initial diagnosis was delusion. However, the doctor had no idea why she wouldn’t wake up. As such, the doctor ordered a CT Scan to be performed to rule out brain haemorrhage. At around 10pm after I have put my daughter to sleep, I received another call from SKH. The ED physician told me that they detected an acute frontal intra axial haemorrhage and she needed to be pushed into the OT right away in order to preserve her life. My worse fear has happened. This can’t be happening. I just lost my job a week ago, and now my wife is in hospital, and I have no idea if she would make it out alive. Even if she did, would she be able to regain the life she had before? Will she be able to walk or talk properly? What about my daughter? How is she going to school? What am I going to tell her about her mum’s condition? Would I need to take a pay cut in exchange for a more stable job? All the infinite scenarios and possibilities raced through my mind.

My heart broke when I walked into the ICU room. My wife was lying on the bed motionless… but I believed that this was not the end for us. If there was one thing I knew from my years as a Christian, is that Jesus never forsakes us and He never gives up when we remain steadfast in our faith. I laid my hands on her forehead and prayed. I told Jesus: “Lord, I surrender my wife and put her in your hands. All things are possible through you. I am totally lost right now, show me the way and I’ll follow.”My wife was pushed into the OT at about 11pm, close to 12 hours being in a coma.

The next 2.5 weeks was extremely hectic. We found out that she had an aneurysm, a malformation of blood vessel in the brain. The blood clot was on a 2.2mm wide blood vessel quite deep in the brain and it needed to be removed. Otherwise, the chance of rupture will increase by 2% each year. However, the location is tricky and one small mistake in neurosurgery can be costly. Meanwhile, I was receiving the updates from the hospital and trying my utmost best to translate them to her relatives back home. In addition, I needed to think about her mum’s travel arrangements to Singapore, researching on my wife’s condition, making daily trips to SGH to send her meals, and getting second opinions. Every passing day I was gaining a little success, bit by bit, and I genuinely could see that God has plans for my wife to walk out of this alive so that she can brag about Him. On the day of her surgery to remove her aneurysm, I was at peace and confident that all will turn out well. Indeed, she came out of the OT after about 5 hours (including sedation etc). While we had a brilliant surgeon, I believed God had anointed him and his team in the OT to make things extra smooth. Speaking about how God has everything planned out, my wife was discharged 1 day after her mum arrived in Singapore. Having not seen each other for 2 years, they were finally given this opportunity to reunite!

My wife was able to do things independently 2 weeks after she was discharged. On the 3rd week, she went for her annual check up at the gynae. The gynae was shocked to learn that she had a brain surgery just 1 month prior. She certainly didn’t look like someone who did. All the doctors who met her soon after, all told her that it was a miracle that not only is she is alive, but also that she is also walking and talking as if nothing has happened. Family and friends also commented how lucky she was. We can never take credit for any of it, it was 100% God. I am extremely privileged to see His work manifest one step at a time, to lift me straight up from rock bottom. I am 100% sure that I wouldn’t have had the peace and wisdom to make the right decisions if He did not have my back.

Things worked out better than I can imagine work wise. I did not need to take a pay cut. In fact, my pay rise was higher than the market rate. But my biggest reward has got to be my wife believing that she did not walk out of this episode by chance.. and that she started to accept Christ!

I hope that some of you are encouraged through this story, that you are never alone in trials and tribulations, be it a lost of job or death of a family member. God loves you and He will always be there for you. He places the right people at the right time for you, but you need to Trust Him!

I’d also like to take this opportunity to encourage my fellow Christians to share your stories. No testimony is too big or too small. Don’t just thank Him, let others know too!

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13)

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

Joshua Wong
Jesus Is My Best Friend

My name is Ian Ho and I’ve been attending LE Woodlands with my wife Christine and watching LE service online for around 1-2 years now. I’m 39 years old this year and both of us have been Christians for a long time and we came from another Pentecostal church.

I was in the COVID ward of NUH fighting for my life since I wrote that request online.

In total, I spent 14 days in the hospital and there were times I had to be sedated.

I have a rare medical condition called Thymoma which affects only a very small percentage of the population here and worldwide (approximately 0.00022 – 26% of the total population according to medical studies from the US). Essentially, it’s an abnormal growth in my thymus gland which grew much bigger than normal (a growth with approx. 9cm in length) and could have been malignant if it wasn’t removed in time. I discovered it in 2017 and by the grace of God, it was removed in time and the growth was confirmed to be benign, so it did not become cancerous.

Basically, the thymus gland is part of our immune system and even the doctors at NUH were not very well versed in this condition due to its rarity in Singapore. The NUH doctors discovered that due to the fact that I had to have my thymus gland removed, unknown to me, my antibodies even after the booster shot were much lower than normal. So when I was sent to the NUH A&E department by my GP on the 10th of March after an X-ray showed some abnormality, it was then that they discovered that I was infected with Covid 19 twice in a very short time. By then, it became full-blown COVID Pneumonia in my lungs but I didn’t feel or know it.

The NUH doctors were very worried and did not know exactly what to do at the end of the first 7 days and my brain fog was getting so bad that I had trouble remembering a lot of things. As I still had a very high fever which didn’t go away and I was drifting in and out of consciousness, the doctors were worried it was another virus or bacteria attacking my body. Furthermore, I was unable to sleep much every night and was sleep-deprived.

By the grace of God and by the prayers of LE, my Christian family and friends who knew about it, I continued fighting the situation alone with God as no visitors were allowed into the COVID ward.

Even my wife was unable visit while I was still COVID positive.

The doctors commented I had incredible willpower to fight for my life. However, I know that it was the Power of God carrying me through and at one point I could feel Jesus calling out to me not to give up even though I was unconscious. For “By His stripes, we are healed” as the word of God says.

Cutting the long story short, I managed to pull through the COVID 19 Pneumonia and finally tested negative  through a PCR test on the 20th of March. Subsequently, I was transferred out of the COVID ward to a normal one for further investigation. The NUH doctors couldn’t really explain what happened as well but could finally move me out of the COVID ward. I was finally discharged from NUH on 24th March after 14 days but I was a long way from full recovery due to a severe lack of sleep and dehydration.

During the Miracle Service online on the 26th of March, I remember Senior Pastor Pacer preaching about the faith of the Roman centurion who had faith that as long as Jesus gave the word, there will be healing on his servant. My wife and I claimed that in Jesus’ name, even though no one could lay their hands on me, I will receive healing by faith.

That night, my recovery began to accelerate miraculously and as we watched the Sunday service again on 27th March, our faith in God was strengthened even more. So I started to sleep better, my brain fog started clearing and I could sleep and speak better too.

Today I’m writing to tell you of this praise report that I believe was miraculous healing and I’m finally in a state of mind to write this testimony. I’m now strong enough to go back to work this coming Monday (4th April) after the lead doctor’s review.

Once again, I’d like to thank all Pastors and staff of LE for praying for me and most of all, the Healing Power of the Holy Spirit that healed me!

By His stripes, we are healed!

Ian Ho
Jesus Is My Best Friend

Dear all, I have a testimony to share. 

I have been having problems with coughing and itchiness within my chest. Due to being a new mom, I am not able to take many medications. So, I tell myself I am going to run to Jesus and start praying so the virus I have will not continue to grow. 

I felt the itchy feeling in my chest on 19 Jan 2022 when I woke up. Since then, I started praying non-stop in the spirit while continuing to believe. I can’t fall sick because I need to look after a 7-month-old baby in addition to a 6-year-old boy. I keep reminding myself how Jesus died on the cross for me. I asked the Holy Spirit to help me pray and believe for Jesus to relieve me of this virus. 

On the 20 Jan 2022, at about 5 PM I had a slight headache. After 3-days I totally recovered. Hallelujah. I am healed by the name of Jesus. I am healed without taking any medication other than herbal lozenges. Jesus is good. Jesus is merciful and Jesus is my best friend. 

In these 3 days, I have learned something about my behaviour. Jesus has healed me. I am touched in seeing what He has done for me. I cried and promised Jesus that I will try to be good and to ask His help to be changed so that I can also be healed within. I am so happy Jesus saved me and that I can run to him if I have any problem.  

Praise God! 


Ezann Ong
Jesus Is So Gracious For Answering All My Prayers!

My name is Angela and I am a lighter of LEW. Ever since last year’s circuit breaker, my family and I have been watching the Miracle Service online consistently.

2021 was a difficult year for me because of a huge amount of stress in my work. I had to juggle two people’s work and this greatly affected my physical health.

I have been going for my yearly health check ups but failed to do so the year before due to COVID. Eventually, I went for my health check up last Aug and all appeared fine except that my mammogram showed abnormal calcification from the report that I received on 21 Oct at KTPH.

The doctor did a detailed mammogram for me again on my left breast and found several calcifications clustered near one another. I went through a biopsy to remove some calcification for testing and went back for my report on 28 Oct. The result showed a diagnosis of Stage 0 Breast Cancer (DCIS). I was so shocked at that moment. The doctor explained to me that he needs to remove a tissue from the calcification cluster for a test and should the results be good, meaning that no invasive cancer cell is present, I will only be required to go for 15 sessions of radiotherapy. In addition, my hormone reading is at the intermediate to high range and I may need to take anti-hormone pills for 5 years. There are many side effects to this such as blood clots, menopause brought forward and possible uterus cancer. Hormone reading is beyond anyone’s control. There is a saying, a pill that can save is hard to swallow.

I have since informed my superiors that I would like to leave the company as the workload is causing me too much stress. After the management’s discussion, they decided to hire another person to take over the previous staff’s job that I have been covering; to reduce my workload and burden. The management will also review my job scope again.

Since then, my family and I have been earnestly praying to God for healing during the Miracle Service with our faith in God, His mighty work, what He had done for us and His Word. I also changed my diet and daily habits, keeping my stress level as low as possible, exercising daily by taking 45 min walks, sleeping early and immersing in God’s word by reading the Bible and other Christian books/materials. I have been praying to God with praise and thanks and, seeking peace from God.

I really want to thank Pastor Tim for praying for me during this difficult period and also on the day before I went for Day surgery on 08 Dec. I do not know how to describe that moment when I was queuing for my surgery. The strength and peace that God gave me during that time was something that had never happened in my life before. I have been praying to convert my fear to faith in God through this whole experience. Praise the Lord as I was not fearful at all and with all calmness and peace, I entered the Operation Theatre because I knew that God was with me all the time and that He heard my prayers.

I completed the surgery without having to take any painkillers at all. Praise God that my wound has healed well.

On 28 Dec, I went back to the hospital for my report. The doctor told me that the tissues removed from my left breast were all DCIS and none of them were invasive cancer cells within the accepted margin (need clarification). Praise God! However, I would still be required to go for 15 sessions of radiotherapy as part of the treatment and prevention process. This is also to keep such DCIS from coming back again. As my hormone reading was still intermediate to high, the doctor recommended that I take the anti-hormone pills but it is not a must for my condition.

I did not take the hormone pills as I would rather put my faith in God for total healing. Although I pray to God for healing and keep my faith in His words, I will also cooperate with our Lord to change my diet, exercise more, sleep early and bring down my stress level as much as possible.

As I still need to go for radiotherapy, I asked The Lord if this is a treatment that He wanted me to go through in order to be fully healed. I decided that I would go in the presence of God.

I am still thankful and would like to give the highest praise to God as He has given me a second chance to take care of my body and health again.

Thank you Jesus for His grace and mercy on me and that He had made my body whole again.

God is Faithful and Merciful!

Angela Neo