God is Faithful and Merciful!

My name is Angela and I am a lighter of LEW. Ever since last year’s circuit breaker, my family and I have been watching the Miracle Service online consistently.

2021 was a difficult year for me because of a huge amount of stress in my work. I had to juggle two people’s work and this greatly affected my physical health.

I have been going for my yearly health check ups but failed to do so the year before due to COVID. Eventually, I went for my health check up last Aug and all appeared fine except that my mammogram showed abnormal calcification from the report that I received on 21 Oct at KTPH.

The doctor did a detailed mammogram for me again on my left breast and found several calcifications clustered near one another. I went through a biopsy to remove some calcification for testing and went back for my report on 28 Oct. The result showed a diagnosis of Stage 0 Breast Cancer (DCIS). I was so shocked at that moment. The doctor explained to me that he needs to remove a tissue from the calcification cluster for a test and should the results be good, meaning that no invasive cancer cell is present, I will only be required to go for 15 sessions of radiotherapy. In addition, my hormone reading is at the intermediate to high range and I may need to take anti-hormone pills for 5 years. There are many side effects to this such as blood clots, menopause brought forward and possible uterus cancer. Hormone reading is beyond anyone’s control. There is a saying, a pill that can save is hard to swallow.

I have since informed my superiors that I would like to leave the company as the workload is causing me too much stress. After the management’s discussion, they decided to hire another person to take over the previous staff’s job that I have been covering; to reduce my workload and burden. The management will also review my job scope again.

Since then, my family and I have been earnestly praying to God for healing during the Miracle Service with our faith in God, His mighty work, what He had done for us and His Word. I also changed my diet and daily habits, keeping my stress level as low as possible, exercising daily by taking 45 min walks, sleeping early and immersing in God’s word by reading the Bible and other Christian books/materials. I have been praying to God with praise and thanks and, seeking peace from God.

I really want to thank Pastor Tim for praying for me during this difficult period and also on the day before I went for Day surgery on 08 Dec. I do not know how to describe that moment when I was queuing for my surgery. The strength and peace that God gave me during that time was something that had never happened in my life before. I have been praying to convert my fear to faith in God through this whole experience. Praise the Lord as I was not fearful at all and with all calmness and peace, I entered the Operation Theatre because I knew that God was with me all the time and that He heard my prayers.

I completed the surgery without having to take any painkillers at all. Praise God that my wound has healed well.

On 28 Dec, I went back to the hospital for my report. The doctor told me that the tissues removed from my left breast were all DCIS and none of them were invasive cancer cells within the accepted margin (need clarification). Praise God! However, I would still be required to go for 15 sessions of radiotherapy as part of the treatment and prevention process. This is also to keep such DCIS from coming back again. As my hormone reading was still intermediate to high, the doctor recommended that I take the anti-hormone pills but it is not a must for my condition.

I did not take the hormone pills as I would rather put my faith in God for total healing. Although I pray to God for healing and keep my faith in His words, I will also cooperate with our Lord to change my diet, exercise more, sleep early and bring down my stress level as much as possible.

As I still need to go for radiotherapy, I asked The Lord if this is a treatment that He wanted me to go through in order to be fully healed. I decided that I would go in the presence of God.

I am still thankful and would like to give the highest praise to God as He has given me a second chance to take care of my body and health again.

Thank you Jesus for His grace and mercy on me and that He had made my body whole again.

Angela Neo