Thankful for God’s Healing Grace and Compassion!

I felt some stiffness in my back in July 2022, which eventually worsened to the point where I was in such pain that I was barely able to move. Painkillers, injections, and a chiropractor didn’t help much to relieve the pain. 

After three weeks of intense pain, I was falling into depression. I prayed for God to heal me and that I would give testimony of His goodness if He would heal me. I also contacted Pastor Tim Tan and my cell group to pray and intercede for me. An MRI later revealed that I had a slipped disc at an unusual position. 

A Christian friend then advised that I should see her pain doctor. With a combination of the strong painkiller prescribed by the pain doctor, as well as the daily exercises recommended by the orthopedic specialist, I grew stronger and in October, I realized that I was about 80% healed. Hallelujah! 

It was a painful three-month journey for me, and I was worried that I won’t be able to join a family journey to Turkey which would entail lots of walking and climbing. But all praise to God, I was able to make it for the trip, even walking up to 27,000 steps on Christmas Day itself! All praise and glory to our Heavenly Father, our Healer and Deliverer!

– Claudine Tan

“Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise.” (Jeremiah 17:14)

Claudine Tan