Healing Testimonies

Winning The Battle Against Spiritual Warfare

My mother has diabetes. For years, I stood in proxy for her in the Miracle Service to pray for God’s forgiveness of her sins, to secure her salvation and to grant her divine health. On the evening of 14 February 2019, my mother suffered a sudden heart attack. She was timely saved at a clinic and was admitted to the ICU at Changi Hospital. My family was shocked and cannot make decision between letting her undergo a bypass surgery or to put her on long term medication. Having concerns of the risks of the bypass surgery, we consulted different heart specialists. My mother was living in fear since she knew about her condition. I continued to pray faithfully in the Miracle Service and the Swordlight Team kept my mother in prayers.

In early March 2019, my mother had difficulty breathing in the middle of the night. She then decided to go ahead with the bypass surgery at the National University Hospital, so we admitted her to through the A&E. She had her second heart attack there and needed immediate treatment. The surgery was supposed to be a week later. However, she had her third heart attack shortly after admission into ICU. We nearly lost her and needed to put her under a medical device. The surgery was brought forward to be within the next 48 hours. I am grateful that Pastor Sam came to the ICU, prayed for her healing and for the Lord’s strength to be with my family. It was a successful surgery. However, the healing journey did not end here.

My mother was admitted to the ICUs at different hospitals over the past 2 years due to post complications:

1. Accumulated fluid in her lungs happened several times, she grasped for breath. The surgery was a successful one.

2. Kidney function declined due to high potassium, swollen legs and underwent kidney dialysis in the ICU. It was a one-time dialysis, and she was healed!

3. Heart function declined while in ICU and she underwent a heart pacemaker surgery. Her condition has been stable.

4. Due to the intake of the drugs for her heart, there is limitation of available drugs for her diabetes. Her glucose level became very high. The blood flow to her legs was poor so a ballooning surgery was done.

5. She underwent 2 separate amputations of her toes because of a small cut. I will continue to pray for the Lord to heal her open wound speedily without complications unlike the previous wound that took 9 months to heal.

I believe that the mighty and faithful God not only healed my mum, He also provided for my needs and gave me strength as her caregiver. In those worrying situations, I placed my trust in the Lord and received the peace I needed to stay calm and focused. I will continue to pray for my mother’s salvation and have faith that she will be saved.

The Lord alone deserves the highest praise! Hallelujah! 

Ask and Believe

Lynn Loh
Healed Of A Heart Condition

On 8 May, my right eye was swollen, and it was painful every time I tried opening it. This brought much inconvenience as it was my dominant eye. It was challenging for me to use only my left eye, and I had no choice but to keep both eyes closed for the day. The pain was unbearable and applying eye drops did not help. I skipped dinner and forced myself turn in early for the night.  

The next day, even though the pain persisted, I decided to watch a random Miracle Service from the Lighthouse Evangelism YouTube channel. I sat through the Miracle Service with both eyes closed. After praying through with Ps Rony, I felt better and could open my right eye a little with about 30% of the pain gone.  

Open My Eyes, Lord!

Lim Yu Ke
Healed Of A Heart Condition

From my very first encounter with God till now, I went through many trials in my life, and He healed me one after another. I was hospitalised recently due to a muscle breakdown condition after excessive exercise – which led to an increase in high levels of toxins accumulated in my body.  

God is indeed a way maker & miracle healer. Due to COVID situation, I stayed in the hospital alone waiting for my blood test levels to drop while being hung on IV drip. God made the impossible happen by returning my blood test levels lower than what was expected. My doctor told me if these levels did not meet his criteria, he was unable to discharge me. When I got admitted, the creatinine level in the kidneys was high. I prayed unceasingly, and the level began to drop within the day. By evening, it dropped to a satisfactory level. All these seemed impossible, but they happened! 

God is indeed so wonderful that He sent so many guardian angels to care for me during my hospital stay. There were unexpected pouring of blessings and prayers from my loved ones and friends.

Although it may seem sad that I had to be hospitalised for four nights through Mothers’ Day, I was at peace all the time as I read His Word and listened to worship songs. I could only thank Him that He made these happened, to draw me even closer to Him as I had drifted away from Him for some time. I did not blame Him for my condition I thank God for His wonderful works – just as the lyrics to the song ‘Way Maker’ goes: ‘Even when we don’t see Him working; He never stops, He never stops working.” – Amen!!  

Way Maker

Healed Of A Heart Condition



当华语聚会快要结束时,我记得讲员蔡美凤姐妹宣告说:“ 瞎眼的,今天要看见!”。 我当时就凭信心领受上帝医治的权能,而我跟着也可以睁开眼睛了。大约80% 的疼痛已消失了。聚会结束后,我可以恢复日常的生活了!



Winning The Battle Against Spiritual Warfare

Last July, I noticed a lump at the side of my neck. It was not painful, so I was not bothered by it. As time passed, the lump grew bigger and I was advised to consult a doctor. The doctor put me through various tests and found that I had mantle lymphoma cancer. I was referred to see the specialist at the Singapore General Hospital and was told that this is a very rare type of cancer and chances of recovery are slim. 

At that time, all I could hope for was a miracle healing. My sister with her cell members and the church prayer ministry prayed for me. I even requested prayer from Lighthouse Evangelism. l was put through 6 sessions of chemotherapy. After completion, I had to take an expensive drug for 2 years. During my chemotherapy sessions, I did not suffer the side effects like fever or vomiting. I even had appetite to eat.  

I would like to thank God for seeing me throughout my treatment. He has provided for all my needs and that includes the medical expenses. Through God’s grace and mercy, I am not only physically healed but I also came to Christ amid this crisis. I am now a child of God and want to make a public declaration of my faith in Him by going for water baptism this year!

I Am a Child of God!

Choo Lay Ming
Winning The Battle Against Spiritual Warfare

I used to have peaceful nights of sleep without having the need to get up to use the toilet. In December 2017, I had severe urinary tract infection. As I was preparing to go on a trip, I went for a check-up. The doctor said that the bacteria level was extremely high and prescribed antibiotics. The doctor mentioned that if I do not take the antibiotics, my kidneys will be affected in the long run. I chose not to take the prescribed antibiotics. 

In 2020, I was frequenting the toilet at night but thought it could be a common problem for the elderly. I also believed that the bacteria from my condition played a part in this. This went on for almost a year.

One day, I was reminded of Proverbs 23:7: “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…”. Ps Rony preached that when the enemy comes to deliver the sickness and we believe that it is normal, we are signing the delivery order and it becomes ours to keep. I decided that it is time for me to reject this sickness in my life. Nocturia does not belong to me.

During the Miracle Service, I prayed and lifted my sickness to the Lord. In February, I realised that I did not get up as often at night and I used one month to observe and confirm my condition. To God be all the Glory! I am healed and now I can sleep in for as long as I want!  

Jesus Christ heals! He is the same yesterday, today and forever! Amen! 

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever

Shan Bibi Kartara
Healed Of A Heart Condition

On 6 January 2021, I stepped on something and experienced a sharp pain on my foot. However, I was unable to determine what I stepped on. Since then, that area on my foot became bruised, swollen and it was painful. Having endured the pain for about 3 weeks, I contemplated seeking medical help. I prayed that God would show me a sign and heal me as I was reluctant to see a doctor. Amazingly, the swell, bruise and pain subsided the next day. Two days later, I was completely healed! 

Praise God for healing me! 

The Lord Our Healer

Dorothy Seah
Winning The Battle Against Spiritual Warfare

I had soreness and swelling on my right thumb since 29 June 2019. It was not due to any injury or trauma. I went to a physiotherapist who subsequently referred me to a specialist as the swelling and pain did not subside. The mobility of my thumb was greatly reduced, and this affected my daily life. I was unable to perform simple tasks like brushing my teeth or using the chopsticks. 

MRI results showed that all the ligaments in my thumb were torn, and I was advised to go for a surgery. I decided to see another opinion and eventually settled for an alternative approach. My thumb was put in a cast for 4 weeks and I started a 10-session journey in occupational therapy. It helped to improve the mobility of my thumb. While seeking treatment, I continued to pray and trust God for healing. By the end of this treatment in Feb 2020, I would like to testify that I am totally healed without going for any surgery. 

Praise God!

In God I Trust

Diane Yap
Healed Of A Heart Condition

On 26 Jan 2021, I felt pain in my breast and decided to get it checked at the polyclinic. My initial thought was a pimple, but it was growing. The doctor felt a lump and prescribed me with antibiotics. I was so afraid that the lump in my breast was cancerous as my maternal family has a history of cancer. I prayed to God for healing and a chance to live. 

I was referred to see a breast specialist at SGH on 2 Feb and upon a physical examination, the doctor said that there’s no lump. It has disappeared! I was overwhelmed with joy! To confirm this healing, I went for a mammogram and the report came back on 1 Mar concluding that the findings are benign. 

Hallelujah! All glory to God! 

Healed of pain and lump in the breast

Josephine Lim Lee Wah
Winning The Battle Against Spiritual Warfare

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in the year 2017 and had undergone surgery and chemotherapy and was fine for the next 3 years. Last year, in 2020, I felt a lump in my left breast, the site where the previous surgery was. The doctor examined it twice and mentioned that the lump should be benign.  

 To play safe, the oncologist advised for a mammogram and a biopsy. That lump turned out to be cancerous. The thought of having to go through the process of surgery and chemotherapy again was already tiring, not to mention the side effects of hair loss, changes in the taste buds, etc.  

Through it all, I know that I have the Lord by my side and prayed to Him. 

Before the Lunar New Year this year, I went to see the oncologist again and was told that there was one more report that’s yet to be out.

The oncologist said that if that report turns out negative, I will only need to take oral medication instead of going through chemotherapy again. From that day, I prayed in my quiet time and got my cell group and fellow sisters in Christ to pray for me for the next 2 weeks.  

Since 2017, I’ve been attending the Miracle Service regularly and this was where I accepted Christ, got Holy Spirit baptised, and started speaking in tongues. 

I finally got my results on 18 Feb 2021, and the result was negative! I do not have to undergo surgery and chemotherapy but just oral medication! I am so happy! In my prayer, I told God that I will testify of His goodness and the aim of this testimony is to bring glory to His name. Praise the Lord! God is good and He alone is our hope. I believe and I receive! Amen! 

Basked in the goodness of God

Jovy Elisha Lee