Healed of pain and lump in the breast

On 26 Jan 2021, I felt pain in my breast and decided to get it checked at the polyclinic. My initial thought was a pimple, but it was growing. The doctor felt a lump and prescribed me with antibiotics. I was so afraid that the lump in my breast was cancerous as my maternal family has a history of cancer. I prayed to God for healing and a chance to live. 

I was referred to see a breast specialist at SGH on 2 Feb and upon a physical examination, the doctor said that there’s no lump. It has disappeared! I was overwhelmed with joy! To confirm this healing, I went for a mammogram and the report came back on 1 Mar concluding that the findings are benign. 

Hallelujah! All glory to God! 

Josephine Lim Lee Wah