In God I Trust

I had soreness and swelling on my right thumb since 29 June 2019. It was not due to any injury or trauma. I went to a physiotherapist who subsequently referred me to a specialist as the swelling and pain did not subside. The mobility of my thumb was greatly reduced, and this affected my daily life. I was unable to perform simple tasks like brushing my teeth or using the chopsticks. 

MRI results showed that all the ligaments in my thumb were torn, and I was advised to go for a surgery. I decided to see another opinion and eventually settled for an alternative approach. My thumb was put in a cast for 4 weeks and I started a 10-session journey in occupational therapy. It helped to improve the mobility of my thumb. While seeking treatment, I continued to pray and trust God for healing. By the end of this treatment in Feb 2020, I would like to testify that I am totally healed without going for any surgery. 

Praise God!

Diane Yap