I underwent a hernia operation in Singapore General Hospital on 1 November 2023, after which my doctor instructed me to go for a further checkup at the Urology Centre. He suspected my condition could be due to my frequent forced urination.
I was referred to the Urology Centre for an ultra-sound on 10 November 2023, and after the test, I was told my prostate was slightly enlarged and was given some medication for urine infection. I was scheduled for another appointment on 5 February 2024. While waiting for the appointment, the urge to pass urine increased. I then went to consult a GP, who referred me to see a specialist in Mt Elizabeth on 5 January 2024.
After the ultra-sound and urine speed test on 5 January, I was told my prostate was enlarged to 24.83cm. As I failed the urine speed test, I was given medication to relax my bladder and also to assist in my urination.
On Sunday, 7 January 2024, I went to the A&E as I was experiencing excruciating pain. The doctor who attended to me gave me two months of medication to relax my urinary tract and advised me not to drink water after 7pm to avoid waking up to pass urine. Even though I complied with these instructions, I continued waking up 2-3 times to pass urine.
From November 2023 to January 2024, I continued to pray, read healing scriptures, and attend the Online and On-site Miracle Service.
After the ultrasound on 5 February, I was told to see the doctor on 16 February for the result.
On 16 February 2024, before going for this appointment, I partook in Holy Communion. During the review, the doctor told me that I had passed the urine speed test, and the size of my prostate had been reduced almost by half, from 24.83cm to 13.9cm. On top of that, the doctor said that I do not have to consume any more medication.
Praise the Lord for his healing.
Our God Who Sustains And Restores
Sebastian TanIn December 2017, my life took an unexpected turn when I was diagnosed with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, also known as “systolic heart failure.” The journey began with weeks of discomfort, pain in the upper abdomen and back, and difficulty breathing. The revelation from my cardiologist was alarming – my heart’s ejection fraction (EF) was a mere 17%, well below the normal range of over 50%. I found myself grappling with disbelief and questioning why this had to happen to me, a young adult with so much ahead.
During my hospital stay, as my family and I sought to understand God’s purpose in this trial, His peace enveloped me. Despite the fear and uncertainty, I felt a sense of calm, and the supportive medical staff and kind nurses made my stay more bearable. The prayers from Powerlighters and others who stood with us were a source of strength, providing hope for breakthrough and deliverance.
After enduring a minor procedure to implant an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD), my subsequent years involved a daily regimen of medication, dietary adjustments, and light exercises to manage my compromised heart. However, in November 2021, a severe tachycardiac event led to a recommendation for a Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) to support my heart’s pumping function. The surgery was a significant undertaking, and we prayed fervently for a successful operation.
The initial recovery period was challenging, requiring adjustment to living with this new artificial “appendage.” My family was crucial in assisting with daily tasks, especially maintaining hygiene and preventing infection. Despite the challenges, I returned to work after a three-month hospitalization leave, continuing physiotherapy sessions to sustain my fitness level and adhering to a heart-healthy lifestyle.
Six months later, having regained strength, I received the news that I was being placed on the heart transplant waiting list. The subsequent call indicating a suitable heart was a surreal and emotional moment. As I prepared for the transplant surgery, I turned to the comforting words of Psalms 23 and 91, reaffirming my trust in God’s protection and surrendering my life to Him.
The heart transplant procedure went smoothly, and I progressed well in my recovery, eventually being discharged after a week. This new lease on life prompted a significant shift in my lifestyle. Grateful for the gift of a new heart, I committed to better care for my body, recognizing it as the temple of God’s Spirit.
While challenges persisted during the recovery, I held fast to my faith, diligently following the prescribed exercises and maintaining a disciplined routine. Recognizing that we are all vessels capable of being used by God, I acknowledged my continuous growth and transformation.
I praise and thank God for seeing me and my family throughout this journey and am grateful to everyone, including the medical and nursing staff, who has prayed or supported us. It means so much to us.
I also want to encourage those in a similar situation not to give up; instead, hold fast to God’s word and promises. Thank Him for each day you are awake because He is not done with you yet.
God bless.
A New Heart, A Fresh Start
Debbie SohAnnie had been concerned about the blurred vision in her left eye for several years which affected her, particularly in driving and in her work. Despite taking supplements, she saw no improvement and could only console herself by praying to God for gradual recovery.
While serving as a Gospelighter on the final night of HEAL Singapore, as Annie kept her focus on how God would move through her to heal others, it did not occur to her that God may heal her instead.
During a healing prayer led by the evangelist, David Diga Hernandez, Annie felt an unexpected pressure on her left eye. Testing her vision thereafter revealed a remarkable discovery – the vision on her left eye was now even better than her right. Doubts crept in as she approached the stage, but she held onto her faith despite uncertainties.
As she stood in line, waiting to share her testimony, Annie prayed for total healing and continuously tested her vision by observing her surroundings. To her amazement, God fully restored the vision in her left eye.
Through her experience, Annie believes in persevering in prayer because God’s miracles may come at His divine timing, be it healing or any other prayer request.
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Annie YapI was diagnosed with endometrioid cancer and was hospitalised on 4 May 2022, at Singapore General Hospital. I underwent a 7-hour hysterectomy surgery for endometrioid cancer and tested positive for Covid-19 during the procedure. I am grateful to the mighty Lord Jesus Christ for guiding me through the challenging times. Every three months, I went for check-ups, and each time, everything went well.
During my one-year cancer review, my gynaecologist ordered a CT chest and abdomen scan. The results revealed a small lump on my liver, prompting the need for an MRI liver scan. The anxiety built up during the two weeks of waiting for the results. In this time of uncertainty, my daughter suggested attending the Miracle Service on 4 November 2023, a Saturday, and requested prayers.
Attending the service brought me peace of mind, knowing that whatever the outcome, my faith in God and Jesus Christ would see me through. Finally, on Friday, 10 November 2023, I received the results of my liver MRI scan, and to my relief, it showed that the lump was an indication of fatty liver, but was non-cancerous.
I am immensely thankful and give all glory to the mighty Lord Jesus Christ for His blessings, protection, and grace. Through this testimony, I hope to share how God has graciously acknowledged my faith and has surrounded me with support during this challenging journey.
My Faith Journey with God
Janet WeeI have had ulcerative colitis, a chronic colon disease, for many years. In 2018, I experienced a severe flare-up, leading to intense bleeding and I fainted as a result. I was subsequently admitted to the hospital, where after some investigation, I was given a high dose of steroids to alleviate the inflammation.
When I was due to be discharged, I was still experiencing persistent bleeding. Hence the doctor decided to perform a colonoscopy. But as I was wheeled from the ward to the operating theatre, I encountered a strange experience. The trolley bed that I was on moved rapidly along the corridor, which resembled old HDB rental units. All the doors on both sides were open, revealing corpses lying inside, and there appeared to be no end to the journey ahead. When I attempted to tilt my head to check with the hospital porter pushing me, I realised he only had legs, with no upper body. I became alarmed and called out to the Lord, “Jesus, what is going on? Where are we going?”
Suddenly, I woke up, realizing that my trolley bed was stationary beside the operating theatre, and I overheard the porters talking. Then, I felt an urgent need to use the toilet, and there, blood gushed out. I heard the words, “It is done”. Since that day, I have not experienced any bleeding. Praise the Lord!
For God has promised:
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
Psalm 23:4, ESV
Praise the Lord for It Is Done
Irene Lee
““In October 2022, my ECG showed a T-wave inversion and I didn’t know it was so serious until I was admitted to the High Dependency Ward in the hospital.
That was the first time I was hospitalised and found myself hooked to so many wires. Further tests were needed to check if I had a heart attack or disease.
I was very worried and I kept calling upon the name of Jesus as I remembered that during the Miracle Service, pastors have always taught us to call on the name of Jesus whenever we needed His help and peace. I also asked my sisters and good friends to pray for me. God helped me and gave me the peace to go through all the tests.
An angiogram was done and I’m very grateful and thanked God for His mercy that there were no blockages! Hallelujah! Thank God!
Further tests were done and the ejection fraction of my heart was below 50%. Hence, I had to take medication, watch my diet, do physiotherapy and exercises. I would watch Lighthouse’s Miracle Service online at times to pray for God’s grace, mercy, and healing.
Thank God that my recent report showed that my heart conditions have improved significantly and the ejection fraction of my heart was estimated to be between 55-60%. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! All Glory to God!
– Annie Low
Psalm 147:3 – He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.
All Glory to God Who Heals the Heart
Annie Low
“Fifteen years ago, my family stopped attending Lighthouse when we moved away. On June 15, 2023, my life took a drastic turn as an ultrasound revealed multiple fibroids and a large ovarian tumour with a 70% chance of malignancy, causing great fear and anxiety. Quick action led to a PET scan, confirming that it was cancer without metastasis.
Faced with the daunting wait for a specialist, my family turned to prayer and sought a private doctor. Two days later, I underwent a hysterectomy, holding onto the promise of healing in Jeremiah 17:14 through relentless prayer. Despite indications of cancer, the surgery miraculously revealed no malignancy.
A subsequent small tumour on my parotid gland required another surgery. Over ten weeks, my faith was tested, through two major surgeries. This experience brought my family closer and renewed our faith in God, fostering daily prayers and His presence in our lives.
Grateful, I acknowledge my second chance at life as a result of Jesus’ boundless mercy and love, giving all glory and praise to Him.”
– Karen Lim
Jesus Healed Me Completely!
Karen Lim“I experienced some bleeding in February, and a pelvic scan a month later showed a 4cm abnormal growth in my uterus. After a biopsy, the doctor confirmed that I have uterine cancer and arranged for a hysterectomy in the same month.
I was in deep fear, and on the night of my diagnosis, I knelt and cried out to Jesus for healing and guidance. That very night, I had my first divine encounter with God in my dreams. God told me to believe, trust Him, expect, and be still. “He directed me to read the New Testament and the book of Psalms. I obeyed and managed to finish reading just before my biopsy. Through my reading, I found many verses on healing, such as in Psalm 107:20, “I send my word and I will heal you”.
Thereafter, I prayed daily for complete healing. Daily I rebuked Satan and commanded for
cancer to come out of my body. I played and listened to Pastor Pacer’s healing sermons from Youtube 24/7 till the day of my scheduled biopsy.
On the day of my biopsy, I prayed in tongues from the time I was wheeled from my ward to the operation table. The anesthetist laughed and said that it was the first time that he witnessed a patient praying till she is knocked out by general anesthesia.
After my biopsy, I had two more divine encounters with God in my dreams where He repeated for me to believe, trust, expect, and to be still.
When I received my lab results, the doctor said my uterus tissues and lymph nodes were removed, and I am officially cancer free! The tumor had shrunk from 4cm to 2.5cm and no
aggressive treatment nor medicine was required, only needed to follow up periodically!
Praise God for healing me, and for sending one of the best consultant surgeon and medical team to care for me. I am grateful to all the Lighthouse Evangelism pastors, as well as brothers- and sisters-in-Christ who prayed for me. Lighthouse Evangelism is a healing church, hallelujah!
When we put everything into God’s hand, His hand will be in our everything. Keep praying, keep asking, keep seeking – Don’t give up and just wait. Our God answers prayers and Jesus never fails. The doctors may treat, but Jesus is the healer.”
Darin Cheong
“Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave.” (Psalm 107:19-20)
The Doctor may Treat, but Jesus is the Healer!
Darin CheongI attended service at Lighthouse Evangelism Tampines years back when I was living in Singapore. However, since about 10 years ago, I started living in the United Kingdom and attended another church there. During the lockdown, I chanced upon some Lighthouse Evangelism videos on Youtube and I was attracted to them because I was interested in the topics preached. Thereafter, from the beginning of 2022, I have been regularly attending Lighthouse Evangelism services online.
Sometime in July 2022, I injured my sciatic nerves while hosting members of my family from Singapore, walking around with high heeled shoes when we visited places of interest in central London. From then on, I started experiencing pain in my left hip area every morning for about two hours after getting out of bed. When it did not go away after three months, I prayed for God to heal me during the online miracle services. Recently in April/May, I realized that the pain is now gone. I believe God has healed me and I wish to give Him thanks. All glory and praise to God!
Maria Low
“I have seen their ways, but I will heal them; I will guide them and restore comfort to Israel’s mourners, creating praise on their lips. Peace, peace, to those far and near,” says the LORD. “And I will heal them.” (Isaiah 57:18-19)
Healed from Afar!
Maria LowI have been dealing with unexplained knee pains since 2021 and it worsen eventually till the point that I had to be on crutches. In a span of a couple of weeks, my wrists and fingers started to hurt a lot as well to the point where opening doors, lifting a cup, or squeezing toothpaste became a daily challenge.
I had visited several doctors between 2021 and 2022 – An orthopaedic, neurologist, and a rheumatologist – but after running MRI scans and various blood works, they couldn’t explain why I was suffering from these pains. The rheumatologist prescribed me a drug to treat nerve pain, but unbeknownst to me, that drug was also used to treat depression by raising serotonin levels in the body. As I was not suffering medically from depression, my serotonin levels were not low and I started experiencing serotonin syndrome, where my serotonin levels spiked and I started throwing up, experiencing rapid heartbeats, and was in an altered state of anxiety. Midway to the A&E, I felt my extremities going numb, one after another, and minutes from reaching the hospital, I couldn’t breathe! I thought I was going to pass out and I prayed to God to save me.
During this period, I look to God and experienced a lot of comfort. I prayed, confessed my sins and sought his healing. With the right physiotherapist and my psychologist friend, I got better. Today, I am no longer using a wheelchair and only need a compression knee guard to help me walk easier. The pain in my wrists is gone and when I recall my experience, I feel mentally stronger to have gone through it. All praise and glory to our God, our Healer and Deliverer!
Melissa Chow
“Look, God is my deliverer! I will trust in him and not fear. For the LORD gives me strength and protects me; he has become my deliverer.” (Isaiah 12:2)