My Faith Journey with God

I was diagnosed with endometrioid cancer and was hospitalised on 4 May 2022, at Singapore General Hospital. I underwent a 7-hour hysterectomy surgery for endometrioid cancer and tested positive for Covid-19 during the procedure. I am grateful to the mighty Lord Jesus Christ for guiding me through the challenging times. Every three months, I went for check-ups, and each time, everything went well.

During my one-year cancer review, my gynaecologist ordered a CT chest and abdomen scan. The results revealed a small lump on my liver, prompting the need for an MRI liver scan. The anxiety built up during the two weeks of waiting for the results. In this time of uncertainty, my daughter suggested attending the Miracle Service on 4 November 2023, a Saturday, and requested prayers.

Attending the service brought me peace of mind, knowing that whatever the outcome, my faith in God and Jesus Christ would see me through. Finally, on Friday, 10 November 2023, I received the results of my liver MRI scan, and to my relief, it showed that the lump was an indication of fatty liver, but was non-cancerous.

I am immensely thankful and give all glory to the mighty Lord Jesus Christ for His blessings, protection, and grace. Through this testimony, I hope to share how God has graciously acknowledged my faith and has surrounded me with support during this challenging journey.

Janet Wee