The Doctor may Treat, but Jesus is the Healer!

“I experienced some bleeding in February, and a pelvic scan a month later showed a 4cm abnormal growth in my uterus. After a biopsy, the doctor confirmed that I have uterine cancer and arranged for a hysterectomy in the same month.

I was in deep fear, and on the night of my diagnosis, I knelt and cried out to Jesus for healing and guidance. That very night, I had my first divine encounter with God in my dreams. God told me to believe, trust Him, expect, and be still. “He directed me to read the New Testament and the book of Psalms. I obeyed and managed to finish reading just before my biopsy. Through my reading, I found many verses on healing, such as in Psalm 107:20, “I send my word and I will heal you”.

Thereafter, I prayed daily for complete healing. Daily I rebuked Satan and commanded for
cancer to come out of my body. I played and listened to Pastor Pacer’s healing sermons from Youtube 24/7 till the day of my scheduled biopsy.

On the day of my biopsy, I prayed in tongues from the time I was wheeled from my ward to the operation table. The anesthetist laughed and said that it was the first time that he witnessed a patient praying till she is knocked out by general anesthesia.

After my biopsy, I had two more divine encounters with God in my dreams where He repeated for me to believe, trust, expect, and to be still.

When I received my lab results, the doctor said my uterus tissues and lymph nodes were removed, and I am officially cancer free! The tumor had shrunk from 4cm to 2.5cm and no
aggressive treatment nor medicine was required, only needed to follow up periodically!

Praise God for healing me, and for sending one of the best consultant surgeon and medical team to care for me. I am grateful to all the Lighthouse Evangelism pastors, as well as brothers- and sisters-in-Christ who prayed for me. Lighthouse Evangelism is a healing church, hallelujah!

When we put everything into God’s hand, His hand will be in our everything. Keep praying, keep asking, keep seeking – Don’t give up and just wait. Our God answers prayers and Jesus never fails. The doctors may treat, but Jesus is the healer.”

Darin Cheong

“Then they cried out to the LORD in their trouble, and he saved them from their distress. He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave.” (Psalm 107:19-20)

Darin Cheong