From Intern to Full-Time Staff

It may have been the opportunity to learn IT processes that drew Joel Tan to Lighthouse Evangelism as an intern. Still, the culture and community made him decide to continue working full-time as an information technology specialist at the church.

“I enjoy the fellowship between colleagues, along with the opportunities to learn and gain experience through working and serving unto others,” shares Joel, who serves in the church’s Lay Video Ministry in his personal time. “There were also opportunities to serve and grow spiritually within the church, giving a sense of purpose to my work.”

“There were also opportunities to serve and grow spiritually within the church, giving a sense of purpose to my work.”

Balancing between faith and work

Serving the Lord full-time may be purpose-filled and fulfilling, but just as in other jobs, it may not always be a bed of roses.

“The challenge is that sometimes working in a church feels like work in a corporate environment rather than serving God, and it is easy to get lost in the day-to-day tasks,” says Joel, “there is a need to constantly re-align myself spiritually and to work intentionally to serve God, and not men.”

Despite the challenges, Joel finds that working in the church has personally and spiritually developed him.

“Being surrounded by like-minded Christians who seek to grow in their faith constantly encouraged me to push myself spiritually. I didn’t feel like I was grounded spiritually before this, but working here made me feel that I am being changed and equipped for His Kingdom.”

A higher calling for a fresh graduate

As a recent graduate, Joel had the option to pursue what may have seemed like more attractive options in the industry. So why did he choose to work full-time in a church?

“I find that jobs in the marketplace may offer a higher salary and more benefits. However, we also need to find meaning and purpose in what we do. Lighthouse Evangelism is where I can start to find my meaning and purpose through my work and service to God,” Joel expresses.

“On top of that, through my internship, I’ve also grown to enjoy the culture here and found a community that I feel welcomed and belonged to.”

Putting God first in all you do

In conclusion, Joel has this to encourage all those considering an internship or full-time vocation in a church.

“Serving God may not always be easy and smooth sailing, but it most definitely is worth it. Always remember to put Him first in all you do.”

Join Lighthouse Evangelism in lighting up the world!

If you are interested in exploring internship and career opportunities at Lighthouse Evangelism, visit our careers page at or send your resume to