From Corporate to Ministry

After receiving Christ in 1998, Pastor Chris Chye had always longed to serve God in full-time capacity, but she did not know when and where God wants her to serve in.

“I could only faithfully pray and wait for God’s timing, but my burning desire to serve God grows stronger with each passing year,” says Pastor Chris.

Trusting God in the wait

The wait for God’s timing is not futile though. Even her previous corporate roles as an environmental engineer and administrative manager were instrumental in preparing Pastor Chris for her ministry.

“Throughout my career, I’ve had numerous chances to hone my organizational and management skills. Working with individuals from diverse backgrounds in the corporate setting has also taught me the importance of effective communication and the ability to collaborate with others,” explains Pastor Chris.

Despite her desire to move to full-time ministry, her corporate background served to provide her with a solid foundation of skills and experiences that eventually enabled her to serve and lead effectively within the church community.

Building the foundation of her ministry

In 2017, Pastor Chris was offered the chance to serve as a ministry assistant, first as part-time and later transitioning to a full-time role one year later.

However, it was many years ago in September 2003 that she first received the call from God to be rooted in Lighthouse Evangelism. It was the first time she set foot in the church, during a Sunday Service, when she distinctly heard a still small voice whispering, “This is the church, stay here!”

Over the years, she immersed herself in different roles in the church, first serving as a Children’s Ministry (Sparklight) teacher in 2008 before the Holy Spirit led her to serve under the Chinese ministry. This experience serving in various parts of the church deepened her passion for ministry and strengthened her relationship with God and His people.

Finally, it was after almost two decades of faithful service when she was ordained as a pastor in Lighthouse Evangelism.

“I am humbled by the opportunity to shepherd God’s flock at Lighthouse Evangelism,” shares Pastor Chris, “My journey from being a ministry assistant to becoming a pastor is testament to God’s faithfulness and the support of my church family.”

Working in a ministry has strengthened her faith

For Pastor Chris, working in a ministry has profoundly impacted her personal faith journey and shaped her in many ways.

“One of the most significant lessons I have learned is the importance of humility and submission. As I prayed and ministered to others, I was constantly reminded of the need to approach each situation with compassion and be willing to surrender to God’s will, rather than rely on my own understanding,” she explains, “It has deepened my relationship with God, allowing me to know Him more intimately and trust in His plans for both myself and those I serve within the church community.”

“The most fulfilling part of my roles and responsibilities is being able to inspire others to love God, to influence others to live for Jesus, to disciple others to be followers of Christ, and to spur on the younger generation to rise and shine for Jesus.”

Stepping out in faith

Exchanging a corporate job for a full-time ministry may feel like a daunting move, but Pastor Chris has this to encourage anyone who might be considering, “If God is calling you, do not be afraid, step out in faith in responding to His Higher Calling and fulfil the plan that God has for you!”

“Serving in ministry can be challenging, but it is a very meaningful and rewarding journey to see souls being saved, lives being transformed, and the name of Jesus Christ being lifted high!”

Join Lighthouse Evangelism in lighting up the world!

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