In 2012, during my 2nd semester in university, I found a decently sized lump in my right breast. It was about 3-4cm and felt like a golf ball. I was filled with fear and anxiety at 22 and refused to get it checked for many years. I was terrified of the worst outcome of contracting cancer at a very young age because of a magazine article that I read. During these years, every day was a struggle. I lived in continuous denial and anxiousness for 6 years.
To my worst nightmare, my mum was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer back in 2018. The doctor said if the chemotherapy did not work on her within the next 3 months, there is nothing they could do. By God’s grace, the chemotherapy worked, and she was cancer-free by the end of 2018 after undergoing surgery. My mum is a strong woman of faith, and I had the privilege to watch her go through this whole journey. I saw how much she relied on and trusted in Jesus. She made the journey look rather bearable.
I believe God was using my mum to personally minister and assure me that He is in control of everything. He is faithful even when I was faithless.
My mum’s cancer was confirmed to be caused by genetics as her mother also passed away back in the 1980s due to cancer. My sister and I had to go through a cancer genetics test. Praise God we were both negative. This was my first miracle and God’s assurance that I can be bold in him and need not fear anything.
From 2019 to the end of 2020, I knew I had to get myself checked. But I also wanted to experience supernatural healing, so I waited and prayed for the Lord to heal me. Nothing happened and the lump was still there. In these 2 years, my faith was further lifted, and God was healing me from the fear instead. My relationship and trust in the Lord grew significantly.
In 2021 May, after 9 years from the day I first felt the lump, I could not deny any further that God had plans to use medical science to deliver me from this growth. I set an appointment with the doctor and went for a scan spontaneously, without overthinking it. I felt a supernatural peace upon me. Praise God that this lump I feared was not cancerous, and it was a fibroadenoma – hormonal lump (2nd miracle). The doctor also recommended that I do surgery to remove it so that it will not cause further discomfort. With a joyful spirit, I underwent surgery on June 16, 2021.
The day of my surgery was a miracle on its own as everything unfolded smoothly and peacefully, with no fear or anxiety. I have never been admitted before nor have I been administered general anaesthesia before or even been hooked on IV drips before. I was filled with God’s peace and underwent surgery without any issue. My recovery was also smooth as I hardly took any painkillers. Now when I look back at the whole process, it was completely seamless. God took me on this 9-year intimate journey where my faith was made strong. He has assured me that he will be with me through the good, the bad and everything else in the middle too. Glory to Jesus’ highest name always! Amen!