Jesus is Jehovah Rapha!

For the last 6 months of last year, I suffered from lower back pain with the pain shooting from my back to my right leg. During the last 3 months, the pain was excruciating especially during the times when I had to get up and go to the toilet or when I woke up in the early morning. The pain was so bad that I had difficulty making my way to the toilet. I went to A&E, saw a physiotherapist for exercises but nothing helped.  

In the meantime, I sought God to heal me. I listened to many of Pastor Rony’s past videos, attended the Miracle Service online almost every week and joined a chat group for prayers. Pastor Timothy also specially prayed for me many times. 

Out of desperation I went to NUH A&E. I was admitted and was later transferred to Alexandra Hospital where I was warded. 

Through an MRI, the doctor discovered a cyst in the L4, L5 area of my back. I underwent surgery and was well the next day. The wound healed well and thank God that I can even drive now. Jesus is Jehovah Rapha. God healed me through the doctor. 

Thank you Pastor Rony for your healing messages week after week. 

Henry Lee