Jesus Christ is the Same Yesterday and Today and Forever

Dear Brothers and Sisters-in-Christ,

I would like to share my testimony as an encouragement of how good and wonderful our Lord and Savior is. May you find hope and peace from this testimony. All Glory to God!

I found a lump in my right breast on 28 July 2022 which was quite big and could be felt by my fingers. After consulting the doctor and doing an ultrasound, the results showed that the mass was indeterminate and a biopsy was scheduled. I do not usually cry in front of others but I could not help but shed tears in front of the doctor and nurse due to fear as they explained the results and follow up procedures to me.

The entire period from first discovering the lump to receiving the results of the biopsy was filled with extreme fear and worry. I could not eat well or sleep well. I was drained and I cried a lot. Just the thought of having to go through the biopsy scared me as I am scared of needles and blood, and the possible side effects of bleeding and bruising. During the biopsy, I kept calling Jesus’ name. Thank God, the procedure went smoothly and the bleeding stopped quickly. I only had a bit of bruising, which was almost gone after a few days.

Praying and talking to God helped to replace the fear with faith. It is important to have at least someone to pray with you. On 15 September 2022, I received my biopsy results which showed that the lump was not cancerous. Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!

The entire experience was sudden and traumatic but knowing that God is with me gave me a lot of comfort. It strengthened my faith and brought me closer to God. It revealed how I should live my life from now on, to put God first. Our God is faithful and will never fail us. Continue to have faith and keep trusting that He will never forget us and will fulfil his promises to us.

Mong Mo