He is my Jehovah Rapha!

I would like to share a testimony to encourage all Lighters and those who watch the Miracle Service online to keep trusting God for healing. I was watching a Miracle Service online and claimed my healing according to what Pastor Rony’s shared and prayed for us. I would like to thank and praise God, giving Him all the glory for His healing for the polyps in my nose. It is a miracle God had performed for me on 19 May 2021.  

Two years ago, I was having a blocked nose after clearing a client’s house with a colleague & a volunteer. After that, I did not feel well and consulted a doctor at a polyclinic. The doctor referred me to the Ear Nose Throat (ENT) specialist at the hospital where they found that there were big & small polyps in my nose.

My nose was blocked and inflamed. I was given both antibiotics, nasal wash, nasal spray, and the doctor recommended surgery.  

I sought a second opinion, and the doctor gave the same recommendation. I was not keen on the surgery, so I chose to pray and trust God for healing. I claimed Mark 11:24 and continued to attend the Miracle Service. A few Pastors & Gospelighters prayed for me each time I went to the Miracle Services. On 19 May 2021, I went to the Otolaryngology Clinic in the hospital, during the scope the doctor mentioned that most of the polyps were cleared and reduced. The new medicine worked on me. I could not believe it! When I got home, I called and shared this healing miracle with my sister. She was so happy for me. I took this opportunity to encourage my sister to watch the Miracle Service online and I continue to pray for her to come to know God.  

God is faithful and good all the time. He is Jehovah Rapha, The Lord who Heals.  

All glory and honour go to our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

Doris Lim