God is a Miracle Worker!

I have two testimonies to share. 

I have been attending miracle services online weekly. In 2020, my colleague requested prayer for his brother who is a backslider, staying in Kuala Lumpur. He had 4th stage lung cancer. I submitted this prayer request in the miracle service live chat group. God healed him completely and restored him spiritually!

My other testimony is on God‘s healing too. My brother-in-law was diagnosed with throat cancer in February this year. I submitted my prayer request in the live chat group again. He went through 7 weeks of radiation, with skin burnt. In June, I received a praise report that no more cancer cells were found in his body! The doctors were so amazed at his fast recovery. Life is back to normal for him, and he is back at work. 

I am healed from diabetes and will continue to pray for my family and loved ones at the miracle service. We serve a miracle-working God! Hallelujah!

Serena Goh