Faith in My Healing

I was diagnosed with an incurable eye disease called age-related macular degeneration (wet form) on 25 March 2019. I was told by my eye specialist that I required regular treatment, through the injection of medicine into both eyes every four weeks to maintain my sight. I would be at risk of losing my sight and go blind if I do not do so. I have been receiving this treatment even though there might be some side effects.

My wife and I have been attending the Miracle Service for the past months, our faith increase as we listen to God’s word every week. In my recent visit to the eye specialist, I was told that both my eyes are doing well. The eye specialist plans to increase the duration between each treatment, from four weeks to eight weeks. On top of this good news, the health report from my general practitioner also showed that there are improvements in the chronic diseases that I have. I know the Lord will continue to heal me completely. All glory to the God! Amen!

Francis Khoo