Rony Tan

Lighthouse Evangelism (LE) was founded by Pastor Rony Tan in 1978.

In 1975, Pastor Rony suffered from incessant, intense pain because of severe stomach ulcers, and bled for four days and three nights without sleep. In desperation, he held onto his mother’s hand and prayed for the Lord to take him home or heal him instantly. He vowed to serve the Lord full-time if he was healed. After prayer, Pastor Rony fell into a deep sleep. When he woke up, there was no pain as long as he remained still. The progressive healing continued until he was able to stand upright and resume his regular activities.

Honouring his vow to serve the Lord full-time, Pastor Rony enrolled at the Singapore Bible College and served at Jubilee Presbyterian Church as a pastor trainee in 1976. Two years later in 1978, he was sent to pioneer an outreach in Chip Bee Estate and LE was birthed.

Pastor Rony also founded the miracle service, a healing ministry in LE, that is conducted weekly at both worship centres to pray for the sick and afflicted.

In 1979, while preparing for his first mass healing crusade, God spoke to Pastor Rony in a clear and audible voice, “SON, I WILL USE YOU TO SHAKE THE NATIONS!” Well-known as a healing evangelist, his healing ministry has impacted and led many to Christ. He has also conducted mass healing crusades overseas.

Pastor Rony’s passion is to preach the full gospel, usher souls into God’s kingdom, heal the sick and set the captives free from the clutches of the devil. He has also authored numerous books and recorded several albums featuring his own compositions.

After passing the leadership baton to the next generation, Pastor Rony is now the ministry mentor of our church and continues to minister actively in our weekly miracle service and prayer ministry.

Pastor Rony and Sister Kwee Hong got married in 1976. They have two children and four grandchildren. Their son, Pastor Pacer, is married to Pastor Katherine, and they are the parents of Racer and Rainbow. Their daughter, Tracy, is married to Gareth, and they are the parents of Eden and Ezekiel.