We welcome you to join our community to hear the teaching of God’s Word and encourage one another in faith at our English worship service on Sunday. Let us encounter Jesus together!

Sunday, 9am (onsite and online)
- Lighthouse Evangelism Tampines, Sanctuary, Level 2
- Lighthouse Evangelism Woodlands, Sanctuary, Level 1
Concurrent livestream
Sunday, 11.30am (onsite and online)
- Lighthouse Evangelism Tampines, Sanctuary, Level 2
- Lighthouse Evangelism Woodlands, Sanctuary, Level 1
Concurrent Livestream
In 2024, we will have believers from all walks of life come and share their testimonies at our English services. Come and be inspired. In this Year of Soul Winning, we embark on a journey to empower Lighters with the spirit of evangelism to save souls and transform lives for God’s kingdom.