Our Services
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. (Colossians 3:16)
All are welcome to join us for a time of worship and faith-filled sermons, both onsite and online, at Lighthouse Evangelism. With three centres in Singapore, Lighthouse Evangelism Tampines (LET), Lighthouse Evangelism Woodlands (LEW) and CT Hub 2, we hold dedicated services for the English-speaking and Mandarin-speaking congregation, youth and children. We also have a healing-focused miracle service.

English Service
We welcome you to join our community to hear the teaching of God’s Word and encourage one another in faith at our English worship services.
Sunday, 9.00am & 11.30am (onsite and online)
Catch the livestream on our YouTube Channel
Miracle Service
主日早上午9点及11点30分 - 淡滨尼及兀兰会所 (实体及在线)
主日下午3点 (Zoom视讯)
Youth Service
Children's Service
With tailored curriculum and activities for each age group, we hope to introduce the love of Christ to the children as they grow in the Lord.
Sunday, 9.00am (onsite) and 11.30am (onsite).