Weekly Devotionals – 1 March 2021

As believers, we are taught early in our Christian walk on the importance of prayer. Most understand about praying for needs to be met such as healing, provision, and direction whether for ourselves or for others. At the same time, we need to understand that there is far more to prayer than just met needs. Why is this important and what meaning does this have for us today?
There must have been something about the Lord’s prayer life that prompted His disciples on being taught on this subject. The Lord seized this opportunity to introduce the teaching on what we commonly refer to as The Lord’s Prayer (Luke 11:1-4, Matthew 6:9-13). The following represents a few insights that should prove helpful in bringing us into a greater clarity and authority with regard to our prayer life.
1) Jesus was connected to His Father
This is seen in the first few words of the Lord’s Prayer. “Our Father, who art in heaven…”. This relationship is best expressed in John 17. The unity that Jesus had with His Father was the same unity He sought for His disciples (John 17:21-23). The key is being connected to the Father. In doing so, there is the opportunity to be “made perfect in one”. This helps us understand the power of when two or three are gathered together in His name (Matthew 18:20). Think about the power of unity in prayer in our home and in our church. Let us endeavour to seek after the Unity of the Spirit (Ephesians 4:3). This now leads us to our second insight.
2) Our adversary is a divider
Think of the potential damage that can take place when the body of Christ is divided. In the Book of Genesis, we see the serpent cleverly working to divide man from God in addition to bringing a dividing line between Adam and Eve (Genesis 3:1-6). Satan is empowered when there is division. He uses such opportunities to exploit emotive issues amongst the people. As long as people are struggling with one another, there is little worry for Satan’s territory to be threatened. Are we able to discern this reality? Take a good look at many of the homes and churches today. Striving and in-fighting neutralises the onward mission of God’s purpose and plan. Conversely, have we ever considered what can happen when the people of God begin to connect with the Heavenly Father from a position of true unity? This brings us to our third insight.
3) Establishing God’s Kingdom on Earth
“Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, as is in heaven, so in earth.” (Luke 11:2, KJV). It is here where perhaps the greatest spiritual battles take place. Jesus faced this reality during His intercessory battle in the Garden (Luke 22:42-44). Jesus knew His Father’s will and prayed through in seeing it to fulfilment at the Cross. What does this mean for us as Lighters and for Lighthouse Evangelism as a Church? God has a specified plan and it’s up to us to seek after that intimate relationship with the Father, so that we can know Him and know His plan.
Are we able to grasp the opportunity that is now before us? There is nothing wrong in praying to God for needs to be met. In fact, we are encouraged to do so. Still, we must come to the place of recognising that our warfare is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers in high places (Ephesians 6:12). We are battling an adversary who is working overtime in preventing God’s people and Lighthouse Evangelism, as a church, from fulfilling its destiny. Lord, teach us how to pray! It is time for the LE family to collectively come before His presence in unity and boldness in this challenging hour!