Cell Emphasis Series #2

Julia Chan

WhatsApp Image 2023-09-23 at 07.51.21

I have a special needs son, age 43 years old. It is challenging to look after him. When he is upset, he will pull my hair forcefully or grab my arm tightly resulting in scratches and bruises. I was overwhelmed with fear and pain. 

Salvation is my greatest joy for it is through Christ that I found hope, strength and breakthrough. Seeking God is the only way. Driven by fear and anxiety, I joined a cell group. 

With the cell group’s support and prayers, my burden was lifted up. I was filled with gratitude to God. Corporate prayer is powerful and by our faith, all prayers will be answered according to His will and time.

Lim Choon Theng

I am thankful to have a cell that makes me feel at home. Every person is unique in their language of love. Jeff & Jacq, my cell leader & his wife, our cell host, are simple people with big hearts. They commit their lives in sharing God’s love to everyone they meet. They led a spirit-filled life.

I am thankful to have a cell that makes me feel at home. Every person is unique in their language of love. Jeff & Jacq, my cell leader & his wife, our cell host, are simple people with big hearts. They commit their lives in sharing God’s love to everyone they meet. They led a spirit-filled life. 

We have members from 30s to 80s. We complement each other just as the body of Christ. We have our differences. We confess our weaknesses in a space that we know we will not be judged. It is awesome to have a cell like ours. Thank God for the different talents and giftings in my midst. Thank God for our many answered prayers. I could write a book just journaling our testimonies and the prayers answered. Some have left. Others have joined. Through it all we learn to trust God. I have grown much and am learning to lead and looking forward to the day i too am sent. To God be all glory & praise.

Tan Yang Lah

Since I joined Cell Group led by Sister Ruth Twang 5 years ago, besides learning God’s Word from Cell material, we also act on God’s Word regularly; such as fellowship together as a group or subgroup.

I joined the outreach programs organised by the cell, such as visiting Kheng Chiu Happy Lodge old folks’ home. I also joined the Community Outreach and food distribution projects to the rental blocks nearby.

I gained confidence in praying for Cell members’ needs, and joined the prayer warrior group for the morning “Call To Prayer”.

I praise God by His grace I can serve the Lord Jesus Christ through the Cell.

Join a Cell Group today!

Ready to walk in Christ alongside an encouraging community? Fill up the cell group form and we will match you with a cell group near your home and at your preferred timing.

For English: https://le.breezechms.com/form/cellgroup



